Ms Fereshteh Jalayer, Swedish County Council Commissioner from the region of Värmland, met with the Prefects of all Croatian regions in Sibenik to renew ties and strengthen cooperation with Croatian regions. AER President Dr. Hande Özsan Bozatli explains that “a successful network depends on active members and win-win relations. Our members make the best ambassadors and we depend on their involvement to increase the input and involvement of all regions”.
Some of the issues addressed in the meeting included the added value that AER can bring to Croatian regions through its wide-range of services. Delegates showed particular interest in AER’s international mobility programme for young people, Eurodyssey, as well as AER’s work on European programmes and funding as a means to develop a project with border regions in Bosnia.
Ms Jalayer concluded “we were pleased to have such a good opportunity to present AER activities to our Croatian counterparts and look forward to continued cooperation within the organsation”