Membership and Partnership is open to a wide range of geographic and non-geographic entities in the spirit of embracing the cooperation potential in Europe and beyond. The Associate members are:
- European or non-European territorial entities, organizations or associations, including administrative divisions below national or regional level or
- The founding organisations of AER, the Interregional Associations of European Regions.
The term “Region” covers in principle territorial authorities between the central government and local authorities, with a political representation power as entrusted by an elected assembly.
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List of associate members
Geographic Interregional Associations of European Regions
Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)
Alps-Adriatic-Alliance (AAA)
Alps–Mediterranean Euroregion
Arbeits Gemeinschaft Donauländer (ARGE)
Communauté de Travail des Pyrénées/Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos (CPT)
Association of Alpine States (ARGE ALP)
Conférence TransJurassienne (CTJ)
European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation Galicia-Norte de Portugal (GNP-EGTC)
Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation (BSSSC)
Channel Arc Manche
World Mountain People Association (WMPA)
Sectorial Interregional Associations of European Regions
Assembly of European Wine Regions (AREV)
Assembly of European Fruit and Vegetable Growing and Horticultural Regions (AREFLH)
Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA)
Federation of Local Authority Chief Executives in Europe (UDiTE)
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