Membership and Partnership is open to a wide range of geographic and non-geographic entities in the spirit of embracing the cooperation potential in Europe and beyond.
Full members
European regions, under the condition that they respect the basic fundamental principles of the Council of Europe.
Associate members
European or non-European territorial entities, organisations or associations, including administrative divisions below national or regional level, the founding organisations of AER, the Interregional Associations of European Regions.
Entities wishing to observe AER before joining as a full or associate member.
Partner networks (thematic)
In a view to further and enhance AER’s work for the benefit of its members and in order to position itself for the next years as a dynamic and outward looking network, AER develops constructive and structured relationships with a wide range of thematic networks in order to benefit from their expertise and know-how.
Private partners
AER proposes win-win partnerships by connecting companies with the regional world. While businesses can share their vision in their field of knowledge, AER facilitates the access to the regional decision-makers and acts as a hub for companies within the wide regional network. AER offers to companies the opportunity to highlight and develop their business, to share their expertise, and to create new dynamics and synergies with the European regions and other companies.
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