At the occasion of the COP21 in Paris, AER was present to voice the concerns and solutions proposed by regions to face the world most pressing challenge.
Eva Hallström from the region of Värmland (SE), rapporteur for AER on the COP21 and accredited to Le Bourget at the heart of the negotiations, is participating in many events that you are able to follow on Facebook and takes every opportunity to voice the need for regions to be included at an early stage in the negotiations. AER President Dr Hande Özsan Bozatli and AER Vice President Magnus Berntsson, were also on stage at the occasion of a joint AER/German Marshall Fund event at Paris City Hall in the framework of the local leaders summit for climate on Saturday 5 December. Together with the mayors of Salt Lake City and Atlanta, they gave concrete examples of how regions lead the way in fighting climate change. Through its various partnerships with specialized network such as the R20 or the Climate Group, AER contributes at giving evidence of the measures taken to reduce green house gas emissions. Through this work and visibility at crucial climate events such as the COP21, it is the importance for States and international organisations such as the UN to taken regions into account that is being ascertain. Step by step, COP after COP, regions are taken more and more seriously and AER is proud to contribute raising awareness about the regions’ role.