“Opportunities for all abilities”
The AMiD-Access to services for Migrants with Disabilities project is landing in Novi Sad, Vojvodina (RS) for the 2019 Summer Academy with the aim to raise awareness among regional and local authorities and young representatives about one of the most fragile within the disadvantaged groups: migrants with disabilities. The AMiD official video, testimonies of migrants with disabilities, the human rights-based approach of the UN CRPD- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are ingredients of the cocktail to showcase how better services lead to more inclusive societies.
Costs of participation can be reimbursed from the European Union’s AMIF – Asylum Migration and Integration Fund programme by signing up to this AMiD workshop taking place on Wednesday 3rd of July! How? Keep reading below…
Migrants with disabilities in the spotlight
Over the past few years, Europe has been facing an unprecedented influx of migrants and refugees since the end of the Second World War. The risks for refugees and migrants travelling to Europe remain very high today with more people dying at sea or along land routes while travelling to or crossing a border. In this context, the integration of migrants has become one of the most salient topics in the European political agenda.
When it comes to migrants and refugees with disabilities, the European Council and Parliament Directive 2013/32/EU states that “the reception of persons with special needs should be a primary concern for national authorities in order to ensure that such reception is specifically designed to meet their special reception needs.”
Furthermore, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD), ratified by the EU and all the EU member states, requires States Parties to put in place structures that enable the full participation of persons with disabilities in society and to ensure their protection in situations of risk, including armed conflict, humanitarian emergencies and natural disasters.
However, there are multiple obstacles migrants and refugees with disabilities have to face, such as fails to assess their disabilities or the lack of access to social services that address their specific needs. One of the reasons is the lack of a common approach among different actors and the lack of cohesion among Local Authorities concerning the migrants and refugees situation.
Inclusion at the forefront
AER is at the front side when it comes to migration. In 2008, the AER General Assembly adopted the “Tampere Declaration on Migration and Integration”. A political statement on “Facing the migration and refugee challenges” was also adopted by the Bureau in 2015. Furthermore, AER is a partner in a project to support efficient management of the reception and integration of asylum seekers and refugees with disabilities in the EU, the AMiD project. Värmland (SE), Timis (RO) and Valencia (ES) are members of the AMiD – Community Advisory Board. Just last week, the AER Task Force on migration adopted a position “Towards an intercultural Europe”.
An AMiD workshop to stand-up for equal opportunities!
The Summer Academy participants attending this workshop will take-away the following message: migrants with disabilities are in need of welfare support and integral services to fulfil their right to equal opportunities. One expert from the AMiD consortium will conduct this session where the participants will be invited to reflect on the challenges that migrants with disabilities face on a daily basis.

Following this, the AMiD official video and some video-testimonials will be screened in order for the participants to get acquainted with the campaign and the ways they can collaborate to spread the word. The participants will also have the chance to share their experiences when accessing welfare services in a foreign country. The last part of the session will be dedicated to introducing the human rights-based approach and the AMiD’s Needs Assesment Tool (NAT).
Get reimbursed for your participation!
By signing up to this workshop, the participants can benefit from the reimbursement of their trip expenses, accommodation for 2 nights and 3 meals per day at the AER 2019 Summer Academy in Novi Sad, Vojvodina.
Please, read very carefully HERE the guidelines to make sure you meet the requirements and your expenses are eligible for reimbursement! Please, note that you will need a mandate signed by the relevant public authority:
Expenses must be claimed after the Summer Academy and sent to the AER Secretariat until the 15th of July!
For any inquiries regarding the AMiD project or reimbursements, please contact Luca Magri ([email protected]) at the AER Secretariat.
How to participate?
This workshop takes place in the context of the AER Summer Academy 2019.
If you are already registered for the AER Summer Academy and would like to participate in this workshop, you have the possibility to have two nights accommodation and your travel costs reimbursed. Please send an expression of interest to [email protected] via email with the Subject Line “AMiD workshop 2019 Summer Academy – Expression of Interest”.
If you are not already registered for the Summer Academy and wish to participate in this workshop and in many other activities, please visit the event page of the Summer Academy and discover the full programme.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join the Novi Sad 2019 European Youth Capital!
Register for the Summer Academy Now!
If you would like to register for the AMiD workshop only – please email [email protected] with the Subject Line “AMiD workshop 2019 Summer Academy – Expression of Interest”