Following the Brokerage Event “Going green in Seventeen” jointly organised by AER and ERRIN, we are glad to share with AER member regions three project proposals on energy efficiency that have been discussed during the break-out sessions.
1) Groningen Smart Energy City
The City of Groningen (NL) presented the project idea “Groningen Smart Energy City”, which focusses on positive energy districts, upscaling smart grids and hydrogen economy. Groningen aims at generating all the energy used in the city in a sustainable way in 2035. The Horizon 2020 calls that could be addressed for this project are: EE-06-2016-2017 call Topic: “Engaging private consumers towards sustainable energy”, but also EE-11-2016-2017 Topic: “Overcoming market barriers and promoting deep renovation of buildings” and EE-23-2017 Topic: “Innovative financing schemes”.
The City of Groningen is available to both lead this project but also to play the role as partner. The partner needed to build the consortia are: partners aiming at making their housing supply more sustainable; partners which are working on their networks, smart grids (IT companies, research organisations, businesses, cities etc.); partners that wish to engage more their citizens; and partners involved in hydro-green projects.
The deadline of this call is on 7th June 2017.
More details on “Groningen Smart Energy City’ project are available on the pitch presentation.
GATE 21 is an NGO in Greater Copenhagen, made up of 41 municipalities, 6 universities and 100 companies, pursuing and supporting the green transition of society and green growth. It presented the “EYEBIP – Energy Efficient Buildings in Industry Parks” project, which will be submitted in the framework of Horizon 2020, EE-18-2017 call Topic: “Energy efficiency of industrial parks through energy cooperation and mutualised energy services”. EYEBIP will analyse, develop and test collaborative measures in terms of smart energy grids and technologies, social empowerment and employee tools to improve energy efficiency in Industry Parks.
A consortium of 3-5 partners would be ideal. They should be local consortia, organised around a specific industry area or park. The local consortia should encompass: companies in industry park, industry park landlords (individual or association), power and/or supply/distribution companies, service providers/ESCOs, university: energy and building sciences, process facilitator (NGO, public or private). GATE 21 is looking for partner to join EYEBIP project, therefore if you are alined with the profile searched express you interest to join!
The deadline of this call is on 7th June 2017.
More details on EYEBIP project are available on the pitch presentation and the project template.
The Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa S.Coop (MGEP) is the Faculty of Engineering of the Mondragon University, with a socially-orientated initiative and vocation. It presented the project idea EPHINVERTER, which they will submit within Horizon 2020, LCE-10-2017 call Topic: “Reducing the cost of PV electricity”. Through this project, MGEP would like to develop a photovoltaic solution at two levels: converter and system.
MGEP is now looking for partners to join the consortia, in particular Technological Centres, Universities and manufacturers in photovoltaic and grid areas. Rural cities are suggested for pilot.
The deadline of this call is on 7th September 2017.
More details on EPHINVERTER project are available on the pitch presentation and the project template.
If you like to join these projects and/or ask for further information, please do not hesitate to contact the AER Secretariat.
Documents and presentations from the brokerage event on green projects are available on the event page.
Additional information on the EE-06 call are also available.