Gerencia de Servicios Sociales de Castilla y León, which is the Public Body competent on Social Services in the region of Castilla y León (Spain), is searching an additional partner for the project proposal they are developing within the IV Call of the Interreg Europe Programme.
The project aims at helping regional and local governments across Europe to develop and deliver better societal impact policies. It is set to drive societal impact by accelerating Social Impact Investments (SII) and it focuses especially on Social Impact Bonds (SIB). By learning from the most advanced/experienced regions that have already implemented SIBs in their territories, other regions in Europe can start testing the validity of this novel instrument and, if successful, induce a policy change to improve regional policy instruments.
Is it the area of inter-regional cooperation on innovative financing for social services something that you are interested to work on? Do you wish to focus on SIBs to finance societal? If so, you can canditate to join this project!
The ideal partner should be public administrations (preferable regional ones) with great interest in Social Impact Bonds (SIBs), mainly in social services or healthcare areas, able to influence their Structural Funds programmes (ERDF/ESF), especially those under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal, on the topic of innovation.
If this is you and this proposal raises your attention, please get in contact with us by 7th June at the latest.