The AER Election Committee have been gathering and pre-screening applications for open positions within the Committees. The members of the Election Committee are: Brian Greenslade, Devon (UK) (Chair), Gloria Vitaly, Oppland (NO), Johan Edstav, Uppsala (SE)
The elections will take place at the AER Spring Committee Plenaries in Arad on the 21st of March. Each Committee will elect the Chairs of the Working Groups or Subcommittees, as well as the 2 representatives for Equal Opportunities. Committee 3 will also elect their President. The election of the Committee President will be confirmed by the AER General Assembly in Oppland.
Applications approved by the Election Committee
The list of approved applications can be found below:
Committee 1 for Economy & Regional development
- Vice-President for Economic Development and Mobility: Radimir Čačić, Varazdin (HR) (View CV here)
- One female and one male representative for the Equal Opportunities Group: No application received
- Chair of the working group on Energy and Climate Change: Eva Hallström, Värmland (SE) (View CV here)
- Chair of the working group on Rural Development: No application received
Committee 2 for Social policy & Public health
- One female representative for the Equal Opportunities Group: No application received
- Vice President for Inclusion & Social entrepreneurship: No application received
Committee 3 for Culture, Education & Youth
- President (the current holder, Dag Rønning, Hedmark (NO) has stepped down): Radimir Čačić, Varazdin (CR) (View CV here)
- Chair of the Sub-Committee on Education and Training: Simon Johnsen, Nordland (NO) (View CV here)
That’s not all…
Applications are still welcome, so please do not hesitate to contact Kurt-Åke Hammarstedt, Seconded Officer to the Election Committee.