11-12 September 2014, Västernorrland (SE) – The project “Joint Efforts to Combat Dropout” (JET CD), co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme, was launched in September 2014. 15 partner representatives from the partnership attended this event.
The meeting aimed to confirm the project application, set up the management, agree on the communication and dissemination strategy and discuss the means and tools of implementation. The aim of the Kick off meeting was also to learn about each other’s organization and confirm its role and responsibility to achieve the project objectives.
11 September
13:30-15:00 Presentation of each partner organisation by its participant focused on its role and contribution to the project (10 minutes per organisation)
15:00-18:00 Confirm the project
a) Aim and objectives of the project
b) Implementation: activities and outputs
c) Time schedule of the implementation
d) The management of the project
19:00 Dinner
12 September
08:30-12:00 Means and tools of implementation
a) The project budget and the eligibility rules of the Erasmus+ program
b) Communication and dissemination strategies
c) Partner agreement
Photos of the event are available on the AER Facebook page
Meeting documents:
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JET-CD project page and outputs