The Interreg North West Europe organises a transnational Project Ideas Lab on the 28th of February in London!
This event is specifically aimed at prospective applicants and will be structured around giving participants the floor to network, find new partners and develop project ideas. The NWE team will also share examples of successfully funded projects and explain in-depth the programme’s priorities for funding.
The countries target by the Interreg NWE are: Ireland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and parts of France, Germany and the Netherlands.
This is the perfect occasion for applicants to get some help in developing their project idea making sure to be ready for the upcoming call for project proposals (deadline on 26 April 2018).
Participation is free, but registration is mandatory, therefore register now! The deadline for registrations is Wednesday, 14th February.
For more information, please visit the event page.
How to get the most out of the Project Ideas Lab?
Start exchanging with other participants, scout potential partners, and give your project idea more visibility through the Project Ideas Lab group on Linkedin.
You can also submit your project idea and share it on the dedicated project ideas database.