What are the obstacles to investments at local and regional level? Re-launching public and private investments to boost long-term growth is on top of the EU policy agenda. As stated by Jean-Luc Vanraes President of the Committee 1 on Economy and Regional development,“SMEs play a key role in growth and job creation and cities and regions are essential in paving the way for future private investment”. In this framework, the European Commission invites the Member States to help in identifying obstacles to investment, and the local and regional authorities (LRAs) should take part in this task.
To help facilitate this exercise the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is launching a survey to help local and regional authorities (LRAs) to identify possible obstacles they might encounter to investments.
The CoR will present the survey results to the European Commission, to the European Parliament and to the European Council; it will help the CoR to make the voice of regions and cities heard in the European Semester process, coordinating the EU’s economic policies.
Who should respond to the questionnaire?
The questionnaire should be answered by representatives of local and regional authorities (civil servants, employees, politicians or other) who are involved in or concerned by the planning, financing, monitoring and/or implementation of investments (public or private).
Practical information
- The survey is open until 14 July 2016
- It should not take any more than 10-15 minutes to complete the survey
- You may complete the survey in any of the official EU languages
The AER would like to encourage the members to participate in the survey and would like to thank you for your interest and collaboration.
To start the survey please visit the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/obstacles-investments