AER is organising a mutual learning event focused on food, in partnership with Smart City Expo World Congress. This event, which was announced at the Committee 1 Plenary meeting in Vojvodina by the Chair of the AER Working Group on Rural Development Olimpia Neagoe, will take place on 14 November from 14:00 to 16:00
Food, Sustainability and Governance in the Digital Age
The “SCEWC: Food, Sustainability, and Governance in the Digital Age” event AER is organising will be a mutual learning event on food which will be organised around 4 discussion groups. The group discussions are the raison d’être of the event, the place where the policy learning happens. The event will bring together regional policymakers, NGOs, academics, businesses to look at food from different perspectives to support sustainable regional development:
- governance, SDGs, co-creation, rural-urban links and citizens participation in the Digital Age
- short food supply chains, food systems, quality products, territorial approaches
- food & the circular economy, waste management, renewable energy
- urban farming, agrotech, sustainable agriculture
The format of the event is based on a tested and tried methodology that AER has used to bring together stakeholders on topics such as e-health and artificial intelligence
Smart City Expo World Congress will be an ideal place to address the many modern aspects of food and policy making, as these are at the crossroad of innovation, sustainability, wellbeing, health and territorial cohesion.
A collaboration for policy learning and advocacy
On the occasion of the Spring 2018 plenaries, members of Committee 1 decided to exchange experiences on food, short supply chains and food quality to learn from each other and improve regional policy making. In parallel to this, the Spring Bureau set up a Task Force on food to identify policy messages on food and the circular economy, food innovation and food quality. This was deemed an ideal moment to initiate a collaboration between the AER Committees, which are the place for experience sharing and policy learning, and the AER Bureau, which focuses on developping political positions and engages in advocacy.
The AER event at Smart City Expo World Congress will create
- Mutual learning and sharing of experiences
- Thought provoking perspectives & new inputs
- Understanding of others’ challenges
- Fields for action which can start now
Moreover Smart City Expo is an opportunity to bring the topic of food and policy in the shiny world of technology.
Smart City Expo World Congress, an international benchmark
The upcoming Smart City Expo World Congress (Barcelona, November 13-15th) is the leading international event for the smart urban solutions industry, the key meeting point for experts and leaders of the world’s most innovative cities, companies, research centers and international organizations. Over 20.000 professional visitors are expected, with over 700 exhibitors, along with high level representatives from more than 700 cities and over 420 international speakers that will share their vision of how to build more sustainable and livable urban environments.
This year’s edition will have five focus areas: Digital Transformation, Urban Environment, Mobility, Governance & Finance and Inclusive & Sharing Cities.
It provides an opportunity for governments, companies, entrepreneurs, research centers and innovators to connect and share their vision of how to build a smarter and more sustainable future. Both the congress and the exhibition area allow all participants to draw inspiration from leading experts and learn about cutting-edge developments that are already making positive impacts on people’s lives.
The international impact of the show has grown with related regional events every year.
How to participate?
AER has received twenty seven 3-day passes which give access to the Smart City Expo Trade Fair, which will be given in priority to speakers/ contributors. Regions interested in sharing their experience in one of the above mentioned topics (governance, food supply chains & systems, the circular economy, agrotech) should contact AER Coordinator for Policy & Knowledge Transfer Johanna Pacevicius.
The passes also allow delegates to buy individual keynote speeches or one day conference passes.
Photo © SCEWC Barcelona 2017