The project is co-financed by the Erasmus + programme – KA3 Support for Policy Reforms – and coordinated by the Skillman Network. It aims to strengthen and improve the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system’s capacity to design effective and high-quality programmes tailored to current societal conditions and aiming to close the gap between the industry and the workforce.
Overall Objective: Skillnet aims to strengthen the Vocational Education and Training system’s role and capacity to design effective and high-quality VET programmes tailored to current societal needs through enhanced transnational and cross-sectoral partnerships and coordination.
Specific objectives: Skillnet aims to establish and reinforce cross-network collaboration and cross-border networking and partnerships capacity of VET providers, public authorities and policymakers, build their effective presence at a policy level, ensure the effective implementation of EU programmes, initiatives and priorities within VET, promote European Qualifications Framework principles and work-based learning involving public authorities, policymakers, social partners, companies and VET providers while stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship.
Target beneficiaries include apprentices, certification bodies members, decision and policymakers, businesses’ directors and managers, directors of VET providers, government/regions representatives, learners/VET students, network’s partners, research centres and technology providers, trainers and teachers from VET providers and companies and VET experts
- Skillman.eu – Leader transnational platform of centres of vocational excellence for the emerging skills in Advanced Manufacturing – coordinator and umbrella organisation for all related bodies
- AER – Assembly of European Regions
- IVETA – International VET Association for the advancement and improvement of high-quality VET throughout the world
- Cumulus Association – International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media
- EAPRIL – European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (associated partner)
The project has started on 1 November 2019 and will end on 31 October 2021.
SKILLNET comes from the identification of challenges and problems for VET systems such as the globalisation and internationalisation of the economies and job markets, and the transformation towards an information and knowledge-based society. Indeed, in many regions, one of the main challenges is the skills mismatch between the industry and the workforce, which this project aims to address. Another issue is a lack of a broad involvement and capacity of the various VET systems components in charge to address the societal objectives like the prevention of unemployment, inappropriate employment and the exclusion of the disadvantaged communities.
- through a series of actions addressed to involve VET providers from Europe in capacity building activities, training sessions, events and transnational mobility: international conferences, Peer Learning Clubs, workshops, number of webinars, train the trainers’ courses, innovation cafés, curricula revision training, desk services for companies;
- by encouraging the creation of transnational and national VET providers’ networks for the improvement of the quality and efficiency of VET and the enhancement of its impact on learners and employers;
- by fostering communication, dissemination and support for the implementation of the VET policy agenda, to exchange knowledge, feedback and policy implementation practices.
What is AER’s role and how to get involved?
Within Skillnet, AER will facilitate mutual learning activities (so-called “Peer Learning Clubs”) and will provide information on EU funding opportunities through webinars, the dissemination of bulletins and the animation of Peer Learning Clubs.
To raise the quality and attractiveness of the VET provision, SKILLNET will organise four permanent thematic groups on specific topics composed by members pertaining to VET provider networks, and it will invite external members to join the discussion. The groups will initiate a general debate, collect and circulate relevant information whilst activating peer counselling effects, mutual learning and cooperation amongst VET providers.
The four PLCs cover the specific objectives of the projects as follows:
- Advanced Manufacturing Sector (Sectoral dimension)
- Advocacy & Policy Influencing (Empowering dimension) (Social Equity dimension)
- WBL and standards (Work-based learning dimension) (Quality assurance dimension) (Curricular dimension)
- Train the trainers (Operational dimension)
The PLCs will organise two international events on a large scale involving a minimum of 200 participants. AER’s members, partners, and stakeholders are welcome to join Peer Learning Clubs and share their expertise and experiences on VET related themes and exchange with other experts on the topic.
18 webinars on EU funding opportunities will be organised in total. The main aims of the webinars are to exchange knowledge, practices and create connections among relevant experts to be applied for future partnerships within EU calls. AER’s members, partners, and stakeholders can participate in the webinars’ activity by:
- Joining as participants to acquire new expertise and experiences on VET related themes;
- Joining as speakers to share their expertise and experiences on the specific theme of the webinar;
- Establishing relevant partnerships with other experts from different regions and sectors;
Partnership in Focus bulletins will summarise the main information exchanged during the webinars, highlighting the relevant field of intervention and possible scopes and actors for partnerships. Partnerships will be registered in the Focus Hub, a unique place to store all information concerning the relevant fields of partnerships.
If you are interested in getting involved in the project activities or learning more about the project, contact the AER’s project unit.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://skillman.eu/

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