The European Commission is currently working on the next Framework Programme for the period 2021-2028 which will have an impact on various funding programmes. AER had the opportunity to learn about the changes envisaged on two European programmes, Horizon 2020 and COSME, on occasion of a dedicated event organised by the Flanders-Europe Liaison Agency (VLEVA) and the Flemish Department for Economy, Science and Innovation.
Horizon Europe, a new Horizon 2020?
Horizon Europe is the Commission proposal for research and innovation funding programme post 2020. It will aim at strengthening EU’s scientific and technological bases, at boosting Europe’s innovation capacity, competitiveness and jobs and at delivering on citizens’ priorities and sustain our socio-economic model and values.
Horizon Europe will be divided in three pillars:
- Open Science, aimed to reinforce and extend the excellence of the Union’s science base;
- Global Challenges and Industrial Competitiveness, whose goal is to boost key technologies and solutions underpinning EU policies and Sustainable Development Goals. It will be composed of 5 clusters: health, inclusive and secure society, digital and industry, climate, energy and mobility, food and natural resources. These clusters are meant to be cross-disciplinary;
- Open Innovation, which aims at stimulating market-creation breakthroughs.
Build upon the lessons learnt of Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe is an evolution rather than a revolution, as stated by Marnix Surgeon, Deputy Head of Unit Analysis and Monitoring of National Research and Innovation Policies at the European Commission. Among the novelties, the following can be particularly interesting for regions:
- Research & Innovation (R&I) missions: they will better link R&I activities to society and citizens’ needs. Therefore, these missions will create more impact and will contribute to citizens’ involvement;
- Extended associations possibilities: so far, only some non-EU member states, called third states, could be part of partnerships. Within Horizon Europe, third countries will be eligible partners.
Regarding rules, an increase use of simplified forms of grants will be applied where appropriate, through lump sums. The Horizon 2020 funding model, including up to 100% co-funding rate will be kept.
The end of COSME?
COSME, the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), will be partly integrated in a new programme for single market, competitiveness of enterprises, including SMEs and European statistics. This new programme will combine 6 programmes and numerous actions together, which will allow to improve synergies, achieve better value for money and provide for greater visibility of the single market.
Along with a focus on competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs, this new programme will have a focal point on improving the internal market, standardisation, consumers and end-users, food chain and European statistics.
So far, COSME is composed of financial instruments and non-financial instruments. The latter will be included under the new programme, whereas the financial instrument will be part of InvestEU. Regarding the non-financial instruments, the following actions might be reinforced due to their success under this programming period: Enterprise Europe Network, Cluster initiatives and Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, whose names will be changed. Likewise, the IPR SME helpdesk, SME performance review, SME envoys will be carried on. Eventually some pilot actions and new activities will receive budget to be tested.
Presentations & documents
If you could not attend this event, AER is happy to share with you the main content discussed. Please have a look at the presentations & documents.
This is not over
All of these programmes are still under discussion. AER will keep you update in the following months on the evolution of negotiations.
It is noteworthy to recall that COSME and Horizon 2020 are still ongoing programme, which offer funding opportunities and call for projects till 2020. AER will continue to inform you on particularly interesting call for projects and info days on fundings, as the Information & networking days on Horizon 2020 (2019 calls) – Societal Challenge 5, planned in Brussels on 11-12 September.