Sharing experiences
Within the framework of the AER Subcommittee on Culture, Västerbotten is carrying out an inventory of good practices on culture & inclusion. Several regions have already sent their good practices on this topic. It’s not too late to contribute and highlight a succesful example from your region. It doesn’t need to be a large-scale initiative, actions need to start somewhere! It is by sharing the steps regions are doing everyday to be inclusive territories that they become an inspiration for others.
Culture & inclusion
Europe is facing a significant mission right now and for the coming years: how to handle the migration challenge?
Several AER regions jointly decided to focus on the role culture can have in including migrants and refugees. During the spring meeting in Timis, Romania, Committee 3 members shared good practices and discussed how culture can create links and overcome prejudice. Examples from Hälsingland and Västerbotten in Sweden, Catalonia in Spain and many other regions were shared on this occasion.
How is your region doing this?
A brief description is all we need. It can also be a project application. Send your good example to the lead region Västerbotten (S), [email protected], by the 30th of September.
If you have questions, please give us a call or send and email.
For subcommittee on Culture
Nina Björby
Västerbotten (S)
Vice President
[email protected], +4670-627 49 96