EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 has released a new call for projects under their Social Dialogue – Decent Work Programme. Funding will be made available for projects favouring better working conditions, access to employment, and dialogue among workers, employers, and public authorities.
Know the basics
This grant scheme is funded by Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland with an aim to strengthen relations with beneficiary countries and reduce economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area (EEA).
This call targets 11 beneficiary countries, each with its own specific call documents linked here: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Social partners (i.e. employers’ organisations and trade unions), public authorities, or organisations of public authorities may apply as lead partners to the call. But projects may bring on board a wide variety of partners from various sectors.
Develop your application
The EEA and Norway Grants have outlined three outcomes to be pursued by projects in the call:
- Outcome 1: Improved social dialogue and cooperation
- Outcome 2: Enhanced implementation of the decent work agenda (fair and decent working conditions)
- Outcome 3: Facilitated access to employment (limited to the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia)
Applicants should choose one outcome to focus their efforts on. Each outcome has been elaborated in the call and assigned a number of indicators. These include “collective bargaining agreements signed as a result of this Programme” under Outcome 1, and “more activities conducted to facilitate access to employment” under Outcome 3. Take a look through these and reverse engineer a project that can realistically be expected to meet at least one of the targets listed.
The programme’s diverse list of areas of support under the programme allow applicants to tailor their proposals to address various priorities. Work-life balance, youth employment, and focus on the benefits of decent work are just a few of the areas projects may work within.
If you need some inspiration or are looking for collaborators to make your idea come to life, Innovation Norway has published a page on its website to help you find partners to join your project.
Get started!
The application, which must be accompanied be a number of annexes listed on the call, must be submitted via an online form by Thursday, 7 February 2019, at 13:00 local time. Address all questions about the application to the programme’s official email address: [email protected].
If you are seeking advice about developing your application or need help finding partners, do not hesitate to reach out to the AER project unit.