NEREUS Space4growth and Jobs Conference
In 2014, the European space systems Galileo and Copernicus (the European Earth Observation program) entered the stage of operability, providing free access to space-based data and signals to European citizens. Local and regional authorities (LRAs), are the largest reservoir of potential users of space-based services and products. In particular, Earth Observation imagery is needed for a broad range of territorial and environmental purposes in public administrations. However, the awareness as regards the benefits and potentials of these services is not very pronounced LRAs: this paradox lies at the heart of the SPACE4Growth and Jobs conference, organized jointly by the Committee of the Regions and NEREUS (Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies) on the 28th of May 2015. The aim was to highlight the fundamental role of space in the development of new business opportunities and economic growth, creating highly skilled labour while often addressing societal and economic challenges for the benefits of European regions and citizens at the same time.